Eva is looking for a Room in Den Haag

Eva is looking for: A Room in Den Haag

  • Room
  • Min. 7 m2
  • Female
  • 17 Immediately

I am a tidy and clean girl who enjoys the company and interaction with my housemates. I'm not loud and always use headphones when watching movies. I like to keep common areas organized and willingly contribute to the cleanliness of the house. I am respectful of others' schedules and needs, and I strive to create a harmonious and serene environment. In my free time, I enjoy reading, cooking, and taking long walks. I am open to evening chats or sharing a cup of tea together, but I also respect the need for privacy and quiet.

General information: Eva
  Female, 24 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year interior design (University)