Magda zoekt een Kamer / Studio / Appartement / Huurwoning in Den Haag

Magda zoekt: Een Kamer / Studio / Appartement / Huurwoning in Den Haag

  • Kamer / Studio / Appartement / Huurwoning
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 18 Per direct

I am Magda, I am 27 years old and I am from Catalonia. I will start a master on historical clarinet at the Royal Conservatory in September, so I am looking for a room. I am used to live with people (now I live and work in the countryside with my sister and a friend), and I like a peaceful and clean environment. I already started learning Dutch, I will need some months to be able to speak it but I am really motivated! (I already speak German, so I hope if I work hard on it I will learn it fast!).

Algemene informatie: Magda
  Vrouw, 29 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  Clarinet at the Royal Conservatory (ancient music) - Master (UNIVERSITEIT)