Asmaa  zoekt een Huurwoning in Den Haag

Asmaa zoekt: Een Huurwoning in Den Haag

  • Huurwoning
  • Min. 15 m2
  • 17 Per direct

I m a student of 18 years old I will start my bachelor of philosophy ‘Global and comparative perspectives ‘ in Leiden. It will permit me to follow law studies later.
I m seeking for a room / studio a peaceful and safety one, quiet and next to Centraal station if possible.
I m very honest person will pay all my rent on time since all the living expenses of the year are sent already to the university.
I m social and friendly, I speak English and French fluently also Arabic, I m Moroccan and Turkish but I m travelling with my Moroccan Passeport my father quit the country 10 years ago and never returns, my mother grow us alone me and my brother.
I still didn’t find an accommodation I don’t want to miss this semester I will be frustrated and also it’s an additional work for my mother as she must renew my visa, permit residence and stuff… and it’s a waste of time and money.
Also I will need the registration.
Please feel free to ask me any questions
Thank you in advance

Algemene informatie: Asmaa
  , 19 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Philosophy Global and selective perspectives (UNIVERSITEIT)